In the final episode of Britain’s Most Tagged, we follow the journeys of four young men, Timothy, Dylan, Christian, and Nino, as they deal with their lives while wearing electronic tags.
Timothy’s story takes an unexpected turn when he is arrested and remanded to prison after breaching his tag. His best friend is left shocked, as they believed Timothy was on a path to positive change.
Dylan, only 18 years old, faces a life-changing moment as he learns he is going to become a father. Reflecting on his own upbringing, Dylan discusses his time spent in care and his relationship with his parents. With a serious trial looming over him, Dylan could face jail time for driving offences and vehicle theft, which may cause him to miss the birth of his child.
Christian, on the other hand, is close to freedom as he is just days away from removing his ninth tag if he can adhere to his probation conditions. During his time in prison, Christian focused on fitness and education, obtaining GCSEs in maths, English, and IT. Although he has struggled to maintain employment since his release, he remains hopeful that a labourer’s job will be a better fit.
Nino, with seven months until his trial, has successfully kept his tag charged but is frustrated by the court delays. With over ten tag breaches, Nino could face a significant prison sentence of up to five years if he is found guilty.
Britain’s Most Tagged: I Just Want to Twist It Off airs on BBC Three on Tuesday, 27 August 2024, at 9:40 pm.