The Investigation Discovery documentary series Cabin in the Woods examines the twisted tale of Jack Irwin, a 71-year-old Korean War veteran who vanished in 1999. The episode “Murder on Mt. Baldy” explores the strange crimes that plagued Irwin’s old cabin and the shocking confession that brought the truth to light.
Marcia Ann Johnson and Judy Gellert, the purchasers of Irwin’s cabin in Upland, CA, became suspects in his disappearance. Johnson, who reported Irwin missing, claimed he had left for Seattle. However, a dark secret was about to be uncovered. Johnson had stolen Irwin’s assets and burned down his cabin. Years later, in 2001, Johnson confessed to a heinous crime: she had murdered Irwin, dismembered his body, and attempted to frame him for leaving.
The case sent shockwaves through the community and left detectives stunned by the cold-blooded nature of the crime. It highlighted a disturbing mix of greed and unsuspecting vulnerability. Johnson was convicted of murder and other charges in 2004, while Gellert pleaded guilty to receiving stolen property.
Cabin in the Woods: Murder on Mt. Baldy airs on Investigation Discovery on September 16, 2024, at 10:00 PM.