Kash and Kenya’s story unfolds in the latest episode of Catfish: The TV Show, airing on MTV on Tuesday, June 11. Kash and Kenya’s romance began on Instagram, but after two unsuccessful attempts to meet in person, their relationship is now in need of Nev and Kamie’s expertise.
Kash and Kenya’s relationship began on Instagram, and despite their strong connection, they have yet to meet in person. After two failed attempts to arrange a face-to-face encounter, Kash is determined to uncover the truth and enlists the help of Nev and Kamie. The investigation uncovers secrets and raises questions about Kenya’s true identity and intentions.
Kash and Kenya’s story looks into the challenges of online relationships and the uncertainties that can arise when virtual connections attempt to transition into the real world.
Catfish: The TV Show: Kash & Kenya airs on MTV on Tuesday, June 11, 2024, at 9:00 p.m.