This episode of Cause of Death explores the unexpected passing of 34-year-old Natalie Anne-Caine and the investigation into the unknown death of Philip Worthington. Natalie is found unconscious at home by her sister, who immediately calls for an ambulance.
Despite the efforts of the paramedics, Natalie is declared deceased at the scene, leaving her family in shock. With Natalie known to have a rare genetic condition called Neurofibromatosis, which can affect the spine, nervous system, and vital organs, the staff at Royal Preston Hospital must determine if this contributed to her sudden death.
Meanwhile, the Lancashire Police are investigating the case of Philip Worthington, a man found collapsed in his flat. They are looking into the possibility of foul play, while the coroner’s team faces a race against time to trace any next of kin before the inquest.
Cause of Death Season 3 Episode 6 airs Wednesday, 28 August 2024, at 9:00 pm on Channel 5.