CBS Media Ventures introduces a new game show, Flip Side, hosted by actor and producer Jaleel White, best known for his role in the sitcom Family Matters. The show will premiere on Monday, 9 September, in national syndication across various stations in the US.
Flip Side pits two teams of players against each other, testing their ability to guess the top answers based on anonymous surveys from two different groups of people. The teams compete for a chance to win a $10,000 prize.
White brings his game show experience to the forefront, having hosted Total Blackout and made appearances on 25 Words or Less and Pictionary. He also set a record on Celebrity Family Feud.
Flip Side will air at 5:00 PM on WLNY in New York, 6:00 PM on KCAL in Los Angeles, and 7:00 PM on WCIU in Chicago.
The show is produced by Game Show Enterprises Studios for CBS Media Ventures, with Jay James, Corin Nelson, and Rich Sirop serving as executive producers.
CBS, Flip Side, US TV News