CBS News has expanded the reach of its true-crime series 48 Hours by launching a dedicated streaming channel, “48 Hours,” on various platforms. The free, ad-supported streaming TV (FAST) channel will offer over 500 episodes of the award-winning series, providing round-the-clock access to true-crime content.
Wendy McMahon, president and CEO of CBS News and Stations and CBS Media Ventures, announced the launch, highlighting the show’s tremendous appeal and growth in its 36th season noting that “it truly is the iron horse of the true crime genre and continues to gain steam on every platform as we find new ways to create ubiquitous distribution for this iconic franchise.” 48 Hours has consistently ranked as Saturday’s #1 non-sports primetime program and has seen significant increases in viewership across linear and streaming platforms, with a total of 36.3 billion minutes of viewing this season.
The new channel will feature various programming blocks, including Crimes of Passion, Serial and Spree Killings, Criminal Blunders, Evil in the Family, Love Gone Wrong, Wrongful Convictions, Women Who Kill, Houses of Horror, Money Kills, Missing People, Cold Cases, Survival Stories, and Hollywood Mysteries.
The 48 Hours channel will be available on, the CBS News app, Paramount+, and partner channels, in addition to its existing presence on Pluto TV. The rollout will continue across other distribution platforms in the coming weeks.