Jane Pauley returns to Indiana to visit Girls State, a summer program for teenage girls to learn about politics and democracy. This special episode, airing on August 25, 2024, on CBS, is anchored by Seth Doane and also sees David Pogue examining the viability of electric planes, while Anthony Mason sits down with the legendary Rolling Stones to discuss their latest album and enduring music careers.
Faith Salie explores the cultural significance of New York’s 92nd Street Y, and Tracy Smith interviews Nargis Habib, a California entrepreneur supporting women in Afghanistan through the creation of Afghan rugs. Conor Knighton visits the charming Hobart Book Village, a street filled with bookstores in Hobart, New York. Seth Doane also takes us to Italy for a masterclass in opera, with an emphasis on accessibility and diversity.
The episode includes a story from Steve Hartman about a Minneapolis bus driver’s act of kindness, and David Sedaris shares his thoughts on the way people talk to their phones.
CBS News Sunday Morning airs on Sunday, August 25, 2024, from 9:00 to 10:30 AM ET on the CBS Television Network and streams on Paramount+.