Cesar Millan, the iconic dog whisperer, returns to National Geographic with a new season of “Cesar Millan: Better Human Better Dog,” premiering August 16. This fifth season marks Millan’s 20th anniversary on television and celebrates 140 dog years. The 12-episode season features some of Millan’s most challenging and unique cases yet, including dogs with unusual triggers, aggressive behavior, and overexcitement issues.
In one case, Millan takes on the urgent task of rehabilitating an aggressively overexcited white boxer named Brunello, who is triggered by bags of all kinds. He also works with a Shetland sheepdog that herds its owners when they use tin foil and trash bags, showcasing the diverse and often surprising issues that dog owners face.
This season, Millan also focuses on matching aspiring pet parents with their ideal canine companions. He helps a school teacher tame her unruly dog, Millie, and assists a young couple in finding their perfect four-legged friend. Millan’s expertise and passion for improving the relationship between humans and dogs are on full display.
The new season of “Better Human Better Dog” premieres Friday 16 August at 8:00pm.