Channel 5 has renewed its mystery drama series “The Good Ship Murder” for two additional series and a Christmas special. The show, which debuted in October 2023, stars Shayne Ward and Catherine Tyldesley as the leading duo solving murders aboard a Mediterranean cruise liner.
The series follows retired detective-turned-cabaret singer Jack Grayling (Ward) and First Officer Kate Woods (Tyldesley) as they navigate a spate of murders and mysteries during the cruise. Each episode unfolds in a new location, from La Rochelle to Casablanca and Palma, with each port of call presenting a new case to crack.
The programme’s unique setting and premise, combining crime-solving with musical performances, proved to be a successful formula. The first series garnered positive reviews, and viewers were intrigued by the show’s blend of intrigue, glamour, and class divides.
According to Mike Benson of Clapperboard Studios, the production company behind the show: “Series one was something of a journey – or mid-price cruise – into the unknown, not least trying to film a drama on a cruise ship with 6,000 holidaymakers heading to eight different countries. However, we were delighted with how the concept found an audience and are thrilled to be making two more series packed with sun, showtunes and subterfuge.”
The renewal of “The Good Ship Murder” will see the return of its lead stars, Shayne Ward and Catherine Tyldesley, who previously worked together on “Coronation Street”. Joining them will be Claire Sweeney, who will reprise her role as cruise director Beverley Carnell. Ross Adams, known for “Hollyoaks”, will join the cast as a new character, Colin Smallwood.