Charlie Cooper, the writer and star of the BBC’s This Country, sets out on a unique journey in the first episode of his new series, Charlie Cooper’s Myth Country. With an old AA van as his trusty companion, Cooper sets out to explore the fascinating world of British folklore, specifically the legend of Black Shuck, a demon dog said to haunt East Anglia.
Despite a local superstition that claims seeing Shuck brings a curse, Cooper finds locals who recount their encounters with the mythical creature, undeterred by the supposed consequences. Intrigued by the frequent alleged sightings of this 900-year-old hellhound, Cooper decides to attempt an overnight stakeout, hoping to capture the beast on camera.
During his humorous odyssey across Norfolk and Suffolk, Cooper uncovers a wealth of local legends and meets individuals with extraordinary stories to tell. He discovers that almost every county in Britain has its own mythical creature, and that folklore, myth, and legend are still very much alive and cherished in these regions.
Will Cooper succeed in his quest to capture Black Shuck on film, or will he fall victim to the curse associated with this demonic canine entity?
Charlie Cooper’s Myth Country: Black Shuck airs on BBC Three on Friday 4 October 2024 at 9:00 PM.