The heat is on in the upcoming episode of Chicago Fire, titled ‘Under Pressure.’ Airing on May 15th at 9:00 PM on NBC, this intense installment finds Severide and Violet navigating a delicate situation with Paramedic Chief Robinson, while Capp and Tony pursue a unique goal, and Cruz and Chloe confront their marital issues head-on.
In ‘Under Pressure,’ the already complex dynamics between Severide, Violet, and Paramedic Chief Robinson become even more strained when Lennox’s risky decision on a call puts everyone on edge.
The potential fallout from this incident looms over the firehouse, creating extra tension in the already high-pressure environment. Meanwhile, Capp and Tony embark on a light-hearted endeavor, attempting to break a world record.
The episode also explores the very real challenges faced by Cruz and Chloe, as they can no longer ignore the problems in their marriage, leading to a confrontation that could forever alter their relationship.
Chicago Fire: Under Pressure airs Wednesday, May 15th, at 9:00 PM on NBC.