So, the Windy City’s infrastructure issues weren’t just potholes and crumbling El tracks. Turns out, Al Capone’s secret tunnels are still a thing, and now they’re a terrorist superhighway. This week’s “Chicago PD,” the final installment of the “In The Trenches” crossover, saw our heroes grappling with the fallout from a subway bombing orchestrated by a disgruntled former city employee, Margaret “Greta” Simshaw, seeking vengeance for her denied disability claim. Seriously, City Hall? Denying cancer coverage? You’re basically asking for a primetime TV-level catastrophe.
Ruzek, bless his heart, found himself trapped in a tunnel with dwindling oxygen and a suspected terrorist who, surprise, was just a guy trying to get home. It’s a classic Ruzek move: jump first, ask questions…eventually. Meanwhile, above ground, Voight wrestled with a terrorist on a rooftop, resulting in a dramatic plunge that probably should have involved more paperwork. Speaking of close calls, Sergeant Platt pulled through surgery after taking a bullet, offering crucial intel and giving Mouch the go-ahead to get back in the fray. Apparently, near-death experiences are the ultimate relationship green light.
But wait, there’s a fourth player. Turns out, a security guard named Bates, an old pal of Platt’s no less, was the real puppet master, motivated by her own cancer diagnosis and a desire to secure a comfy future for her family. Cancer, secret tunnels, and betrayed friendships — this episode had it all. Oh, and let’s not forget the cryptocurrency. Yes, because every good terrorist plot needs a digital currency angle. Fortunately for the city (and unfortunately for Bates), the cash was recovered, leaving our villain with nothing but a hefty prison sentence and the knowledge that she shot her friend in the back.
As for Ruzek, he had some apologizing to do to the innocent bystander he’d momentarily pegged as a bomber. Legal repercussions? Probably. But hey, at least he’s alive. And that’s what matters in the world of “Chicago PD,” where survival is a weekly achievement.
Chicago PD airs Wednesdays at 10/9c on NBC.