In the second episode of Hallmark’s original series, The Chicken Sisters, tensions flare both inside and outside the kitchen. Premiering on Hallmark+ on Thursday, September 19, the episode titled “This is War, Y’all” sees the cast, including Schuyler Fisk, Genevieve Angelson, Lea Thompson, and Wendie Malick, dealing with a range of conflicts and emotions.
Amanda (Fisk) is furious with Mae (Angelson) for painting over her artwork on the Mimi’s sign, and she’s determined to plot her revenge with the encouragement of Frank Jr. (James Kot). As they scheme against Mae and Gus (Malick), Amanda and Mae find themselves grappling with their roles in the feud between the two restaurants. The situation only becomes more complicated as conflicting emotions arise.
Meanwhile, Nancy (Thompson) takes it upon herself to guide Frank Jr. towards a more successful path, offering him a gentle nudge and motherly advice. Elsewhere, Mae attempts to reconnect with her old friend Kenneth (Jake Foy), who has been absent from her life for many years, now that she’s returned to town.
The Chicken Sisters: This is War, Y’all airs Thursday, September 19, on Hallmark+.