The fourth episode of Chimp Crazy, titled “Fantasy Island,” examines the unique world of Tonia Haddix, a former nurse who becomes an exotic animal broker. Tonia is still dreaming of her perfect chimp sanctuary.
Tonia, self-proclaimed as the “Dolly Parton of chimps,” dedicates her life to caring for captive animals, especially her beloved chimpanzee, Tonka. However, her deep attachment to Tonka leads her into conflict with authorities and animal rights activists.
The episode reveals the relationships between owners and their intelligent great ape pets, exposing the risks involved for both humans and animals. We follow Tonia and other “chimp moms,” uncovering the powerful bonds they form with these creatures and the potential consequences of their actions.
Chimp Crazy: Fantasy Island airs Sunday, September 8, 2024, at 10:02 p.m. on HBO.