The documentary series Clash of Ancient Warriors returns with an examination of the Battle of Marathon, which took place in 490 BC during the first Persian invasion of Greece. The episode, airing on Sky History, examines the historical conflict between the Persian king Darius the Great and the Athenian army, sparked by Athens’ support of a revolt among the Greek cities of Ionia.
In 490 BC, the Persian king Darius the Great dispatched an expeditionary force to Greece as retaliation for Athens’ involvement in a revolt among the Greek cities of Ionia. The stage was set for a pivotal battle when the Persian army landed and came face-to-face with the Athenian forces.
With a combination of scientific analysis and historical exploration, the episode uncovers the strategies, tactics, and key moments that shaped the outcome of this ancient confrontation. By retracing the steps of these armies, the programme provides valuable insight into the military genius and epic battles that defined civilisations, leading them to glory or collapse.
Clash of Ancient Warriors: Battle of Marathon airs on Sky History on Monday, 30 September 2024, at 9:00 pm.