“Come Dine with Me.” Twenty years of awkward small talk, culinary disasters, and passive-aggressive scorecards. And it’s still going strong. Tuesday’s Glasgow-based installment brings a vegan Asian menu to the table, courtesy of student and Muay Thai enthusiast Saoirse. This might be Glasgow, but it sounds like more of a crucible than a kitchen.
The ongoing feud between contestants Lauren and Bernadette continues to simmer. Will Saoirse’s culinary creations be enough to extinguish the flames, or will they simply add fuel to the fire? Given the show’s history, smart money’s on the latter.
Saoirse appears to be more than just a talented chef. Her Muay Thai skills will undoubtedly impress at least one guest (likely the one scoring highest), while her dessert apparently brings a humorous end to the evening. Let’s hope it involves a flambéed banana or an exploding pavlova. Either way, drama is guaranteed.
“Come Dine with Me” manages to tap into something primal – the joy of watching other people’s dinner parties go spectacularly wrong. It’s a winning formula, clearly, as evidenced by its two-decade run. This episode, with its blend of vegan cuisine, simmering tensions, and martial arts, looks set to deliver another satisfying helping of schadenfreude. Tune in for the fireworks (hopefully not literal ones, unless they’re part of the dessert).
“Come Dine with Me” airs Tuesday, February 4, 2025, at 17:30 on Channel 4.