The producers of “Coronation Street” have taken an unexpected turn by revising the exit storyline of Gail Platt, one of the show’s veteran characters. The shock news is that the updated narrative will no longer include her former husband, Martin Platt, played by Sean Wilson.
This development comes as a surprise, especially after initial reports in June suggested a heartwarming conclusion to Gail’s story. According to The Sun, it was speculated that Gail, portrayed by Helen Worth, would exit the show after fifty years with Martin by her side, in a potential “sunset” conclusion.
While the ITV soap opera confirmed Wilson’s return to the set and released photos, they kept the storyline details tightly under wraps. However, recent events have taken a different course. All scenes featuring Wilson have been scrapped, and the storyline is being rewritten.
An ITV spokesperson provided insight into the situation, sharing that “Sean Wilson has stepped down from filming for personal reasons”. Wilson’s representative reinforced that neither he nor the actor would elaborate further on the matter.
With Helen Worth’s decision to leave “Coronation Street” after a five-decade run, the show faces a significant shift.
Coronation Street airs on ITV1 on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.