BBC One’s Countryfile takes viewers to the breathtaking Borrowdale valley in the Lake District for an exploration of its natural wonders and unique cultural significance. The episode airs on Sunday, 18 August 2024, at 6:30 pm.
Sean Fletcher leads us through the newly established Borrowdale Rainforest National Nature Reserve, a protected area spanning 721 hectares. He meets the dedicated team working to safeguard this ancient landscape while also addressing the needs of the local farming community.
The reserve is home to England’s largest remaining temperate rainforest, a rare habitat found nowhere else on Earth. Sean discovers the intricate balance between conservation and human activity that is necessary to preserve this precious ecosystem.
As he ventures into the rainforest, Sean uncovers the diverse flora and fauna that call it home. From microscopic lichen and moss, which play a crucial role in creating the unique rainforest environment, to the incredibly rare moths that emerge at dusk, attracted by the region’s unique flora.
Beyond the rainforest, Sean explores a project focused on restoring a traditional lowland hay meadow in the area. Meanwhile, in the Cotswolds, Adam Henson’s farm enters the harvest season, a busy and crucial time for farmers. Tom investigates the presence of potentially toxic chemicals in our environment, including our food and even our bodies, raising important questions about the impact on our health and the natural world.
The episode also features the Borrowdale Fell Race, an annual endurance test for runners that covers 17 gruelling miles across the stunning yet challenging terrain of the Borrowdale valley, including the ascent of England’s highest peak, Scafell Pike.
Countryfile: Borrowdale airs on Sunday, 18 August 2024, at 6:30 pm on BBC One.