This Sunday Countryfile takes a look at “Britain’s Rarest Creatures.” Joe Crowley leads the exploration in this episode, venturing to Thursley National Nature Reserve in Surrey. This reserve is not just any ordinary place; it is one of the largest remaining areas of heathland, a rare habitat in itself, and a sanctuary for some of the country’s most endangered wildlife.
Crowley is on a mission to catch a glimpse of, and learn more about, six scarce reptiles that call this place home. He delves into their biology, habitat, and the efforts to conserve their numbers.
As the day transitions to dusk, Crowley and a group of dedicated volunteers settle in to witness another rare sight and sound: the nightjar. The episode also includes a dive into the Countryfile archives, revisiting memorable encounters with Britain’s treasured wildlife from past episodes.
Countryfile: Britain’s Rarest Creatures, airs on Sunday 4 August 2024 at 7:00pm on BBC Two.