On Sunday, September 15, 2024, BBC One presents a new episode of Countryfile, titled “Salisbury Plain.” In this episode, Charlotte and Matt gain security clearance to enter the Ministry of Defence’s largest site, where they explore the delicate balance between military training, farming, and conservation.
Matt puts on waders and joins a team dedicated to the preservation of a threatened chalk river. He learns about the river’s vital importance and the efforts to protect it. Meanwhile, Charlotte discovers how endangered flora and fauna manage to thrive despite the presence of heavy military vehicles.
The episode also features an interview with a farmer who manages his cattle herd around the tight schedule of military training operations.
Plus there is a chat with a passionate birder who has dedicated his life to bringing back the great bustard, one of the heaviest flying birds, to Salisbury Plain.
Adam travels to Northern Ireland to meet young farmer Emily McGowan and lend a hand with the harvest.
Countryfile: Salisbury Plain airs on BBC One on Sunday, September 15, 2024, at 7:00 pm.