“Countryfile” swaps the rolling hills of the Cotswolds for the rushing waters of Shropshire this week, focusing on a species fighting for survival: the Atlantic salmon. Presenters Sammi Kinghorn and Matt Baker trace the increasingly perilous journey of these fish, whose numbers have dwindled to alarming lows.
The story, however, isn’t just about fish. It’s about the people fighting to save them, the ecologists battling pollution and habitat loss, and the farmers grappling with the challenge of balancing agricultural needs with ecological responsibility. This isn’t some feel-good nature stroll; it’s a gritty look at the realities of conservation in a world where human activity often clashes with the natural world.
Adding a touch of artistry to the proceedings, the episode features an artist who creates steel fish sculptures, a poignant reminder of the salmon’s cultural significance and the very real possibility of its disappearance.
Back in the familiar pastures of his Cotswolds farm, Adam Henson offers a yearly review and a glimpse into the future of agriculture. While a welcome respite from the urgency of the salmon’s plight, Henson’s segment is also a reminder that farming practices play a crucial role in the health of our ecosystems.
“Countryfile” airs Sunday, January 12, 2025, at 5:45 PM on BBC One.