Crave has announced the forthcoming release of its original comedy series, “The Office Movers”, set to premiere on Friday, October 11. Created by Brampton-born comedy duo Jae and Trey Richards, the show provides a behind-the-scenes look at a fictional moving company, exploring the relatable challenges of working in a family business.
Filmed in and around Toronto, this six-episode, half-hour comedy follows the lives of Everett (Jae) and Eric Saunders (Trey), brothers who reluctantly join their father’s commercial office moving business. Everett, the owner of Shazam Moving, struggles to stay afloat in a competitive market, hoping for a buyout from Zenithon Logistics, a moving industry giant. The series depicts the brothers’ conflicts with each other, their family, and their eccentric crew as they tackle the competitive world of office moving in Toronto.
Jae and Trey Richards, drawing from their personal experiences, said, “We spent 10 years of our lives as part-time movers for our father’s office moving company. We endured long hours of back-breaking work while managing unreliable equipment and vehicles alongside some of the funniest (often inexperienced) co-workers,”
The series features a talented cast of Canadian comedians and digital creators, including Jack Innanen, Lucas Lopez, Noel Miller, Hassan Phills, Jesse Sebastiani, and WatswithAndy. It also includes cameos from Tyco, one of Jae and Trey’s iconic characters.
“The Office Movers” is created by Jae and Trey Richards and produced by Counterfeit Pictures in partnership with Crave. The show is directed by Sebastian Cluer, Dan Bennett, Shane Corkery, and Anton Leo, with executive producers from Counterfeit Pictures, including Clara Altimas, and Jae and Trey themselves.