Customer Wars: Parking Lot Lesson (A&E, Tuesday 13 August 2024)

Customer Wars

Customer Wars returns with a new episode, ‘Parking Lot Lesson’, airing on A&E on Tuesday, 13 August 2024.

In Pascagoula, Mississippi, a parking lot dispute arises when a customer in a wheelchair believes another driver is blocking his wheelchair ramp access.

Tensions rise as the individuals involved struggle to find a resolution. Meanwhile, in Tampa, Florida, a hairstylist at a salon is caught off guard by an unexpected visitor, testing her ability to maintain her composure.

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The episode also takes us to Mountain View, California, where a disagreement between a bus driver and a passenger on a public bus escalates, taking an unexpected dramatic turn. Then, in Phuket, Thailand, a tourist’s behaviour provokes other hotel guests, leading to a chaotic brawl in the lobby.

Customer Wars: Parking Lot Lesson airs Tuesday, 13 August 2024, at 10:01 PM on A&E.

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