Dallas Jenkins, creator of The Chosen, has ambitious plans to extend his storytelling beyond the current series. While The Chosen is slated for seven seasons, Jenkins is developing new projects, including an animated series and three live-action shows focusing on other Biblical figures. The animated series, The Chosen Adventures, will follow 9-year-old Abby in Capernaum, with the voice cast featuring many from The Chosen.
In addition to The Chosen Adventures, Jenkins is working on three live-action series. One will explore the story of Moses over three seasons, another will follow Joseph’s life, and a final series will cover the Acts of the Apostles, continuing from where The Chosen leaves off.
These series will look to deepen the exploration of Biblical history and characters, expanding Jenkins’ vision for the future of Biblical storytelling.
Fans can also look forward to The Chosen In the Wild, an unscripted adventure series hosted by Bear Grylls. In each of the six episodes, Grylls will venture into the wilderness with a cast member from The Chosen, offering viewers a personal glimpse into the actors’ lives and perspectives.
The fourth season of The Chosen is currently airing on The CW.