In this intimate short documentary, Dame Maureen Lipman reflects on her experience portraying her mother-in-law in the 1975 “Play for Today” film, The Evacuees, written by her late husband, Jack Rosenthal. The film offers an autobiographical account of Rosenthal’s childhood experiences as a young evacuee during wartime.
Lipman talks about the poignant, humorous, and political aspects of Rosenthal’s play, which centres around two young Jewish brothers coping with life in the unwelcoming home of Mr. and Mrs. Graham. She discusses the impact of the film, which earned an International Emmy and a Bafta, and explores how its themes of Jewish working-class struggles during the war remain relevant and resonant today.
The documentary also includes Lipman’s insights on working with director Alan Parker, marking one of his first full-length features. She reflects on Parker’s emerging talent and the unique touch he brought to the production, elevating it even within the iconic “Play for Today” series.
The Evacuees follows directly after this short introduction.
Dame Maureen Lipman Remembers… The Evacuees airs on BBC Four on Sunday, 1 September 2024, at 10:00 PM.