On Tuesday, 3 September 2024, BBC Four presents an RTS Award-winning episode of Bookmark, titled Dame Patricia Miss Pym’s Day Out. The episode, which originally aired on Wednedsay 6 January 1993 is about celebrated author Barbara Pym, with a focus on the day of the 1977 Booker Prize Awards, for which her novel Quartet in Autumn was nominated.
This broadcast of the production is introduced by Dame Patricia Routledge who plays Pym in this dramatised documentary. The awards were a significant day in Pym’s life, marking a revival of interest in her work after a 16-year hiatus.
The introduction by Patricia provides a behind-the-scenes look at the process of bringing Pym’s story to life. She shares encounters with Pym’s family, who were involved in the project, and discusses the incorporation of Pym’s diary entries and letters into the script.
Dame Patricia Routledge Remembers… Miss Pym’s Day Out airs on Tuesday, 3 September 2024, at 8:45 pm on BBC Four, followed by the play itself at 8:50 pm.