On Wednesday, August 7, 2024, NBC will broadcast an episode of Dateline NBC titled “Evil Paid a Visit.” The episode delves into the harrowing experience of Connecticut mother Donna Palomba, who was raped in her home while her children slept. The broadcast will include an interview with Palomba, offering insight into her traumatic ordeal and her subsequent fight to prevent her attacker being released from jail.
In September 1993, a masked intruder armed with a knife and a gun broke into Palomba’s home in Waterbury, Connecticut, and committed the heinous crime. Following the attack, Palomba sought help from a neighbor, realizing that her phone lines had been cut. When she reported the incident to the police, she felt that the lieutenant handling her case did not believe her, leaving her feeling hopeless about the prospect of justice.
However, in a twist of events, the perpetrator, John Regan, was identified and brought to justice eleven years later, in 2004. Regan pleaded guilty to the crime and was sentenced to 12 years in New York and 15 years in Connecticut, to be served concurrently. He was released from prison on October 27, 2022.
Dateline NBC: Evil Paid a Visit airs Wednesday, August 7, 2024, at 9:00 p.m. on NBC.