This week’s installment of The Smoking Gun finds Detective Bill Clark on the trail of a missing person, a trail littered with cryptic clues that lead him to a young film director. Clark, understandably, suspects a hoax orchestrated by a manipulative storyteller. Because, let’s be real, who trusts a film director?
But as the investigation unfolds, it becomes clear that the script is far darker than any Hollywood thriller. Expect ominous music, shadowy recreations, and an escalating sense of dread, all culminating in the revelation of the titular “smoking gun.”
Let’s be honest, the title of this show is a bit redundant. Isn’t the whole point of Dateline to find the smoking gun? It’s like calling a show “Medical Drama: The Diagnosis.” But hey, if it gets people to tune in and indulge their morbid curiosity, who am I to judge? Just don’t be surprised if you find yourself triple-checking your locks and side-eyeing your neighbors afterward.
Dateline: The Smoking Gun: Deadly House of Cards airs Thursday, October 24, 2024, at 8:00 pm on Oxygen True Crime.
Dateline: The Smoking Gun, Oxygen, True Crime, US TV, Cable