In the episode “The Cruise,” Dateline investigates the mysterious disappearance of Micki Kanesaki during a romantic Mediterranean cruise with her ex-husband, Lonnie Kocontes. The trip, intended to rekindle their love, takes a dark turn when Micki vanishes, sparking an investigation that uncovers secret recordings, a surprising star witness, and an undercover hitman.
The classic episode, airing on Wednesday May 1 and reported by Josh Mankiewicz, examines the events surrounding Micki’s disappearance and the subsequent search for answers. It includes interviews with Micki’s friends, Susan McQueen and Bill Price, who share their concerns and the impact of the incident.
As the investigation unfolds, it reveals a complex web of secrets and deceptions, with Lonnie’s actions coming under scrutiny. The episode also introduces a surprising star witness and the involvement of an undercover hitman, adding further intrigue to the case.
Dateline: The Cruise airs on NBC on Wednesday May 1, 2024 at 1.00pm.