In a brand new episode of Oxygen’s true crime series Dateline: Unforgettable, set to air on Thursday March 7, 2024 at 8:00 PM, viewers will be drawn into the compelling story titled ‘The Window.’ This particular installment delves into the tragic and mysterious death of Johanna ‘Hanna’ Hove-Becker, a young wife and mother who tragically fell to her death from a penthouse apartment in Mons, Belgium.
At first glance, her husband Navy Lt. Craig R. Becker asserted that it was a suicide. However, Hanna’s family and friends were convinced that there was more to the story. Their suspicions persisted over the years until finally after an exhaustive seven-year investigation, a U.S. military jury in Belgium found Becker guilty of her murder.
‘The Window’ takes an intimate look at this gripping case and specifically focuses on Hanna’s father, John Hove. Determined to uncover the truth about his daughter’s untimely demise, Hove relentlessly pursued justice against all odds.
Join Dateline as they skillfully examine the intricate details surrounding this heartbreaking case and showcase John Hove’s unwavering determination in his quest for answers.
Don’t miss this emotionally-charged episode of Dateline: Unforgettable airing on Oxygen on Thursday March 7th at 8:00 PM.