Prepare to embark on a journey into the mysterious world of lost treasures with a brand new episode of Deadman’s Curse titled “The Troubling Tale of Bute Inlet Gold.” Tune in to The Weather Channel on Sunday, March 24, 2024 at 10:00 PM for an unforgettable adventure.
In this episode, the team searches for Slumach’s gold and finds themselves venturing 300 kilometers away into the heart of mystery and murder. As they delve deeper into the story behind the legendary treasure, they uncover shocking secrets and encounter unexpected challenges along the way. Meanwhile, back in Pitt Lake, an unlikely prospector arrives with a claim that adds another layer of intrigue to their quest.
Deadman’s Curse takes viewers on a thrilling ride as they follow a group of explorers dedicated to unraveling the mysteries surrounding lost treasures. From hidden legends to unsolved crimes, each episode brings us closer to unlocking the secrets that have eluded others for centuries.
Tune in on Sunday, March 24, 2024 at 10:00 PM on The Weather Channel and dive into “The Troubling Tale of Bute Inlet Gold” in this gripping episode of Deadman’s Curse.