The investigative team on Disaster Autopsy turns its attention to three diverse yet significant disasters: the Apollo 13 explosion, the devastating fire in the MGM Grand, and the collapse of a road bridge in Genoa. The episode, airing on National Geographic on Saturday night, looks into the causes and impacts of these tragic events.
Beginning with Apollo 13, the episode explores why the spacecraft exploded, endangering the lives of the astronauts on board. Moving to the MGM Grand fire, the team investigates the blaze that caused havoc in one of the most famous hotel-casino resorts in Las Vegas.
Finally, the collapse of the Genoa road bridge, a shocking incident that disrupted transportation and raised concerns about infrastructure safety, is scrutinized to identify the factors that led to this structural failure.
Disaster Autopsy: Apollo 13, MGM Grand, Genoa Bridge airs on Saturday, August 31, 2024, at 10:00 PM on National Geographic.