In the first episode of this new series, Jonathan and Drew Scott take on the challenge of transforming the home of Herme and Angie, a couple whose living situation has become increasingly difficult as their family has grown and their work life has changed.
Herme and Angie bought their house nearly 20 years ago, and at the time, it perfectly suited their needs. However, now with two children and both parents working from home, they are struggling with the lack of separate workspaces. The Property Brothers step in to reconfigure the home’s layout into a functional live-work space while also staying within the family’s budget.
As with many renovation projects, the brothers encounter challenges along the way, including a difficult house layout and unexpected surprises during the demolition process.
Don’t Hate Your House with the Property Brothers airs on Thursday, 5 September, 2024 at 8.00 pm on U&W.