In a thought-provoking episode of Dr. Phil Primetime, Dr Phil asks a controversial question: “Oxford High School Shooter: Child Does The Crime, Should Parents Do The Time?” The episode airs at 8:00 p.m. on Merit Street Media.
Dr. Phil sits down with Mariell Lehman, the defense attorney for the father of the Oxford School shooter. In a rare interview, Lehman discusses the case that has sparked intense debate across the nation. The shooter’s parents were sentenced to 10-15 years in prison after their son killed four students at his school. Lehman asserts that parents should not be held criminally responsible for crimes committed by their children if they had no prior knowledge or involvement.
However, Michigan Judge Rosemary Aquilina and former LA prosecutor Loni Coombs, a News on Merit Street anchor, present a compelling counterargument. They contend that the parents willfully ignored clear warnings about their son’s behavior and even facilitated his access to weapons. During the episode, Dr. Phil examines text messages, drawings, and pictures presented as evidence in the courtroom, providing valuable context for the jury’s decision.
This episode of Dr. Phil Primetime examines the complex issues of parental responsibility and gun violence, raising important questions about accountability and the potential far-reaching implications for parents across the United States.
Dr. Phil Primetime: Oxford High School Shooter: Child Does The Crime, Should Parents Do The Time? airs Thursday, September 12, 2024, at 8:00 p.m. on Merit Street Media.