The classic Chris Rock sitcom returns with a fresh animated twist as Everybody Still Hates Chris, premiering Wednesday, September 25, 2024, on Comedy Central, with back-to-back episodes. The new series follows Chris Rock’s life as a kid in 1980s Brooklyn, New York and is narrated by Rock.
In the first episode, “Everybody Still Hates the GED,” Chris Rock fails his GED exam and must return to his predominantly white school, where he attempts to improve his social status by pretending to be a gang member. Meanwhile, his mother, Rochelle, lands a job at a mattress store, only to find herself working under her husband Julius as her supervisor.
In the second episode, titled “Everybody Still Hates Block Parties,” Chris’s neighborhood throws its annual block party. Chris tries to spend time with the girl next door, Tasha, while Rochelle finds herself in a heated macaroni and cheese competition with her arch-nemesis, Peaches. The episode features a guest appearance by Natasha Rothwell.
The animated sequel series is produced by CBS Studios’ animation arm Eye Animation Productions and Chris Rock Enterprises. Sanjay Shah is the showrunner and executive producer, alongside Rock, LeRoi, Michael Rotenberg, and Dave Becky of 3 Arts Entertainment.
The series features the voices of Tim Johnson Jr. as Young Chris, Ozioma Akagha as his baby sister Tonya, Terrence Little Gardenhigh as his brother Drew, and Gunnar Sizemore as his friend Greg.
Everybody Still Hates Chris premieres Wednesday, September 25, 2024, at 10:00 PM on Comedy Central, with two back-to-back episodes.