The quest for Bigfoot continues as Expedition Bigfoot returns to Discovery for its fifth season. In the season premiere on Wednesday night, the team, led by Bryce Johnson, Dr. Mireya Mayor, and Russell Acord, heads back to northern California to investigate compelling evidence and unravel the enduring mystery of this elusive cryptid.
This dedicated team of investigators takes an innovative approach by utilizing an advanced data algorithm. They analyze five decades’ worth of Bigfoot sightings, aiming to pinpoint the ideal locations and times to maximize their chances of an encounter. Equipped with state-of-the-art technology and the insights gained from their data analysis, they venture into the rugged Oregon wilderness, determined to find indisputable proof of Bigfoot’s existence.
With their combined skills and cutting-edge resources, the team is more prepared than ever to finally crack the mysteries surrounding Bigfoot. Will their efforts finally lead to concrete evidence?
Expedition Bigfoot Season 5 premieres on Wednesday, 14 August 2024, at 10:00 PM on Discovery.