In the latest episode of Expedition X, titled “City of Ghosts,” Heather and Phil continue their investigation of Savannah, Georgia, a place known for its paranormal activity. The episode, airing on Discovery on Wednesday, September 11, 2024, at 9:00 p.m., takes a trip into the eerie and mysterious.
Heather and Phil look into the haunted history of Savannah, exploring a location with a dark and tragic past that has left a lasting imprint. They venture deep into the wilderness, where they uncover a site of great sorrow that locals believe has led to a high concentration of supernatural occurrences.
As they work through this treacherous landscape, Heather and Phil encounter stories of tragedy and attempt to make sense of the paranormal activity that seems to permeate the area.
Expedition X: City of Ghosts airs Wednesday, September 11, 2024, at 9:00 p.m. on Discovery.