The team, consisting of Josh Gates, scientist Phil Torres, and paranormal researcher Jessica Chobot, sets out on a chilling journey in the upcoming episode of Expedition X, airing on Discovery on Wednesday, August 21, 2024, at 9:00 p.m.
Josh, Heather, and Phil find themselves in a terrifying situation as they explore the depths of a lunatic asylum, renowned for its paranormal occurrences. They experience extreme supernatural activity, a constant, unnerving presence that convinces them that this expedition is unlike any other they have faced before. The team captures stunning evidence, suggesting that the asylum is indeed a hotbed of otherworldly phenomena.
Will they be able to make sense of the supernatural activity and find logical explanations? Or will they be forever haunted by the memories of their time spent trapped in the asylum?
Expedition X: Trapped in the Asylum airs on Wednesday, August 21, 2024, at 9:00 p.m. on Discovery.