Fast: Home Rescue returns with another exciting episode titled “Lake House.” Premiering on Saturday March 9 ,2024 at 9:00 PM on The Weather Channel, the episode follows Tre and Cierra Boston as they tackle their latest project—a house in Amory, Mississippi that was severely damaged by an EF3 Tornado.
With only five days to complete the transformation, Tre and Cierra must use their expertise and creativity to turn this devastated property into a stunning lake house-themed home. Fast: Home Rescue showcases their commitment to rebuilding homes affected by weather disasters as part of their work with the Beyond Belief Foundation,a non-profit organization that supports detention centers, abuse shelters, and at-risk programs.
Join Tre and Cierra Boston on The Weather Channel on Saturday, March 9, 2024 at 9:00 PM for “Lake House” episode of Fast: Home Rescue.Witness their remarkable talent in action as they bring new life to homes affected by natural disasters.