The Fugitive Task Force faces a double-barreled challenge in “Money Moves.” A meticulously planned robbery at a private security firm’s warehouse tests the team’s investigative skills, while Ray and Cora grapple with a tricky family situation involving Caleb.
This week’s case presents a formidable foe: a highly organized group of thieves who successfully pulled off a significant heist. The details of their operation suggest a level of planning and execution that will likely keep the team on its toes. Can they unravel the thieves’ intricate scheme before they strike again?
Simultaneously, Ray and Cora find themselves facing a parenting dilemma. Caleb’s desire to connect with his biological father adds even more drama to their already busy lives.
“Money Moves” is expected to deliver both high-stakes action and intimate family drama. It airs Tuesday, November 19 at 10:00 PM ET/PT on CBS.