BBC One and BBC iPlayer will debut the crime comedy-drama series Ludwig in the autumn, starring David Mitchell as the reclusive puzzle-setter John ‘Ludwig’ Taylor. The ‘case-of-the-week’ format sees Mitchell’s character navigating a dual life when his identical twin brother, James, goes missing, forcing him to assume his brother’s identity.
In his quest to find James, Ludwig steps into his brother’s shoes, including his role as a DCI in Cambridge’s Major Investigations Team, and discovers the challenges of family life. Ludwig’s unique ability to view the world through a puzzle-solver’s lens becomes his advantage in tackling both crime scenes and his newfound family dynamics.
The series also stars Anna Maxwell Martin as Lucy Betts-Taylor, John’s sister-in-law and James’ wife. The cast is rounded out by Dipo Ola, Gerran Howell, Izuka Hoyle, Dylan Hughes, Dorothy Atkinson, Sophie Willan, and Ralph Ineson in series regular roles.
Ludwig features an impressive list of guest stars, including Derek Jacobi, Felicity Kendal, Rose Ayling-Ellis, Karl Pilkington, Allan Mustafa, Paul Chahidi, and Hammed Animashaun.
Ludwig will air on BBC One and BBC iPlayer in the autumn.
The series is created by Mark Brotherhood and executive produced by Kenton Allen, Mark Brotherhood, Saurabh Kakkar, David Mitchell, Kathryn O’Connor, and Chris Sussman.