The third episode of Forbidden Love, titled “Love is a Battlefield,” airs on TLC on Sunday, August 4, 2024, at 10:00 PM. This time Lindsey resorts to drastic measures to address Elmer’s porn habit. Eli’s mother questions Laurie’s commitment to Orthodox Judaism, prompting introspection.
Ashley’s plan to unite Mohammed with her family has unintended consequences. Tensions escalate when Kris’s father imposes his religious beliefs on Lensa, creating a fraught situation.
Lindsey’s intervention in Elmer’s personal habits leads to a confrontation as she takes matters into her own hands. Meanwhile, Laurie’s dedication to her faith is put under scrutiny by Eli’s mom, causing her to reflect on her choices. Ashley’s well-intentioned efforts to integrate Mohammed with her family dynamic backfire, leading to a strain in their relationship.
Forbidden Love: Love is a Battlefield airs on TLC on Sunday, August 4, 2024, at 10:00 PM.