The fourth episode of Forbidden Love, titled “Tainted Love,” airs on TLC on Sunday, 11 August 2024, at 10:00 PM. In this episode, Mohammed confronts Ashley’s sister, while Eli and Laurie’s relationship is tested when Eli realizes Laurie won’t wear her Star of David necklace.
Eli and Laurie, a couple dealing with their own set of challenges, find themselves at odds. Eli realizes that Laurie doesn’t wear her Star of David necklace. Laurie’s reluctance to openly display her faith symbol may stem from her desire to avoid conflict or a struggle to balance her religious background with her current relationship.
Plus, Lindsey devises a plan for Elmer to reconcile with his family. Also on this episode Lensa walks out of a church service after Kris’s father’s sermon singles her out.
Forbidden Love: Tainted Love airs on Sunday, August 11, 2024, at 10:00 PM on TLC.