Gangland Chronicles, the documentary series that pulls back the curtain on some of the world’s most notorious criminal organizations, presents a double feature on History. On Monday evening, the focus is on the inner workings of two distinct groups: The Rollin’ 60s Neighborhood Crips and The Cleveland Mafia.
The first episode, “The Rollin’ 60s Neighborhood Crips,” examines the ruthless world of the Rollin’ 60s Crips, a street gang with ambitions to dominate Los Angeles by any means necessary. The episode looks at their criminal activities and the high cost of their pursuit of power.
Immediately following at 9:30 PM is “The Cleveland Mafia.” This installment tells the story of the Cleveland Mafia’s fateful gamble on Las Vegas. When their boss unexpectedly dies, the city of Cleveland is plunged into chaos and violence.
Gangland Chronicles: The Rollin’ 60s Neighborhood Crips and The Cleveland Mafia air back-to-back on History on Monday, September 30, 2024, starting at 9:00 PM.