The History Channel’s documentary series Gangland Chronicles examines the inner workings of notorious criminal organizations, and the next episode, airing on Monday, 19 August 2024, “Hell’s Angels: The Sonny Barger Years” explores the infamous outlaw biker club founded by Sonny Barger.
The episode details how Sonny Barger’s Hells Angels established a blueprint for all outlaw biker clubs. It looks at their involvement in criminal activities and their battle to outwit federal authorities. From rackets to turf wars and federal takedowns, the episode provides insight into the dark world of the Hells Angels.
Through interviews with journalists, authors, and former members, the episode gives exclusive insights into the club’s inner workings. It also explores three legendary moments: their rise to power, criminal activities, and constant struggle with the law.
Gangland Chronicles: Hell’s Angels: The Sonny Barger Years broadcasts on History on Monday, 19 August 2024 at 10:03 PM.