Gangland Chronicles on History examines the story of the notorious Medellin Cartel, one of the world’s most powerful and influential drug cartels. The episode provides an in-depth look at the cartel’s rise, its global impact, and its deadly conflict with the Colombian government.
The Medellin Cartel, led by Pablo Escobar, dominated the international cocaine trade in the 1970s and 1980s, generating immense profits. The episode explores how the cartel smuggled tons of cocaine worldwide and the violent tactics they employed, including bombings, kidnappings, and assassinations.
Through interviews and first-hand accounts, the episode reveals the cartel’s far-reaching influence and its involvement in corruption and political protection during the Cold War. It also examines the devastating impact of the cartel’s activities on Colombian society, including the targeting of community leaders, elected officials, and those advocating for labor and peasants’ rights.
Gangland Chronicles: The Medellin Cartel airs on History on Monday, August 12, 2024, at 10:05 PM.