In this episode of Garden Rescue, the team heads to Taunton, where they encounter a unique challenge presented by Becky and Paul’s new-build garden. Located on the edge of the picturesque Quantocks, their outdoor space has an unusual dog-legged shape that leaves much to be desired.
Charlie and Chris rise to the occasion, presenting their competing designs. Chris’s vision ultimately wins over the family, and the team gets to work bringing it to life. The £6,000 budget is stretched thin as they tackle the large perimeter walls, but they make quick progress with the cracked paving patio. The bespoke seating area with its dry stone wall façade proves to be a more challenging proposition.
While Chris leads the main garden construction, Charlie focuses on transforming the dog-leg area into a fun kids’ zone, complete with a water play area and wooden musical instruments. They enhance the natural feel of the garden with metres of wildflower turf and native trees.
As the team works diligently, the new garden begins to take shape, and soon, Chris’s design is ready for the big reveal.
Garden Rescue: Taunton airs on BBC One on Thursday, 19 September 2024, at 3:45 pm.