Thursday’s Garden Rescue finds Shail and Cecilia yearning for a garden reminiscent of their childhood in the Indian countryside. However, the challenge lies in transforming their new-build garden, which currently presents as a featureless sloping plot.
Lee and Flo present their competing designs, with Lee’s vision ultimately winning over the couple. Lee’s design centers on creating an inviting entertainment space in the heart of the garden, featuring a custom-made screen and L-shaped benches surrounding a central patio.
To cater to the family’s love for cooking, Lee includes a homemade tandoor oven and a food preparation area, along with vegetable growing beds for fresh produce.
Meanwhile, Flo’s design incorporates a planting area intended to draw attention away from the imposing giant walls and enhance the herb garden by the back door.
Garden Rescue: Uttoxeter airs on BBC One, Thursday 26 September 2024, at 4:30 pm.