In the Friday September 20 episode of General Hospital, tensions arise between Ned and Michael, sparking a heated argument over ELQ, Valentin, and John “Jagger” Cates’ fate. Willow diffuses the situation by taking Michael out for the night.
Lois tries to ease Ned’s anger towards Sonny, with Giovanni “Gio” Palmieri defending her. At The Savoy, Portia and Curtis enjoy a night out, while Nina joins Drew nearby.
Nina encourages Drew to step back from Aurora as his political career demands more attention. Drew appoints Curtis as Aurora’s acting CEO. Nina’s connection to Drew and interest in politics are questioned by Portia.
Michael is surprised to learn that Drew chose Curtis over him for the Aurora CEO role. Willow, unnerved by Drew’s presence, considers leaving early but stays after a private conversation with him. Curtis shares news of his temporary promotion with Portia.
Meanwhile, a beaten Lucky dreams of Elizabeth encouraging him to confront his mistakes. At a nightclub, Holly and Anna argue over a stolen phone, and Anna suggests Lucky as a liver donor for Lulu. Holly confirms Lucky’s location at Sidwell’s secure camp, leading Anna to propose an inside job with Holly’s help.
Jason accuses Sidwell of cheating at a card game, and Sidwell invites Jason and Anna to his camp, promising Holly he’ll retrieve her bracelet. However, Sidwell suspects deception and warns of consequences, leaving Holly uneasy.
General Hospital, airing Friday September 20, 2024 at 2:00 p.m. on ABC.