A first look at Get Millie Black, a five-part crime noir series created by Booker Prize-winning author Marlon James, has been revealed. Set to air next year on Channel 4 and co-produced with HBO, the series marks James’ screenwriting debut. The series follows Millie-Jean Black, a former Scotland Yard detective who returns to Jamaica to investigate a missing persons case, only to encounter deeper issues lurking in her homeland.
Starring Tamara Lawrance as Millie, the cast also includes Joe Dempsie, Gershwyn Eustache Jnr, and Chyna McQueen. The story paints a vivid picture of Kingston, exploring Millie’s dual identity as both British and Jamaican, yet belonging fully to neither. The show will be a unique and authentic portrayal of the city, filled with a range of distinctive characters, including Millie’s police partner Curtis, who conceals his personal life, and a host of others tied to the island’s underworld.
Get Millie Black is produced by Motive Pictures in partnership with HBO, with Marlon James, Jami O’Brien, and Leopoldo Gout among the executive producers. Lead director Tanya Hamilton is joined by writers Theresa Ikoko and Lydia Adetunji. The series is backed by FIFTH SEASON and includes additional direction from Annetta Laufer and Jean Luc Herbulot.